Sony gives gamers community websites Sony were apparently talking quite a lot about community websites at Sonys Pre-E3 Judges Event in LA and it seems many PS3 games will be getting style community sites. Those confirmed to be getting community sites include Motorstorm: Pacific Rim, Resistance 2 and SOCOM: Confrontation. Killzone 2 already has a site for Killzone: Liberation but will add rankings and statistics for Killzone 2. Also, LittleBigPlanet should be getting some kind o
Kids Online Ethics Part 3: Community Solidarity; Marketing Cheats
At the recent Ypulse Natl Mashup, I chatted with teen virtual goods wnderkind Asuka Martin (aka real life name, Angela McBride) also interviewed here by Benett Carter about Teen Second Life. Im fascinated by her composure in handling the mining of her intellectual property/content creation, (someone swiping her stuff) as well as the impact on her authentic brand of custom-created virtual textures and skins, for she has an uplifting, inspiring, digital story to share. Mind you, she was no
Traditional Pull String Piata Game
I have a fun variation on this game as an earlier blog. However, I have been asked how to play the Traditional Pull String Piata Game. OK so heres the instructions: In the same manner that you would for the traditional piata game, line up the players. Each player takes their turn going up to the piata and choosing a string to pull. The string should either come off or release the filler. If the string does not release the filler the next person takes his/her turn. When thefil